RCVI(Resource Center for the Visually Impaired) » Videos


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  • TN VIVA session: Parent Panel: Advice & Lessons Learned from Parents of Children with VI54:22 Parent Panel: Advice & Lessons Learned from Parents of Children with VI

    Panel Members: Jenna Kaufman & Ashlyn Lincoln on Date: 1/23/2024
    TN VIVA 2023-2024
    Session Description: Join us to have a conversation with two parents of children/teens with visual impairments. Discussion will include maintaining high expectations, engaging with school teams, safety and community engagement/inclusion.

    Uploaded Feb 13, 2024
  • Title text: Braille Transcription Tips and Tricks for TVIs57:56 Braille Transcription Tips and Tricks for TVIs

    Presented by Casey Sloan (Sumner Co Schools) and Becky Kuhn (TN RCVI) on 9/8/2023
    TN VIVA 2023-2024
    Session Description: In this session, hear from a seasoned TVI who has supported a braille reading student, and a long-time TVI and braille transcriber, who will share tips and tricks to transcribing and adapting instructional content for braille reading students.

    Uploaded Sep 11, 2023
  • Title Text: VIVA 23-24 Kick-Off: RCVI Welcome Back!1:14:52 VIVA 23-24 Kick-Off: RCVI Welcome Back!

    Presented by Dr. Allen Huang (TN RCVI) on 7/25/2023
    TN VIVA 2023-2024
    Session Description: Attendees were given an overview of the year ahead with TN VIVA and Consortium of Vision Educators (COVE) gatherings, as well as an update from Dr. Allen Huang regarding all things new with the TN Resource Center for the Visually Impaired.

    Uploaded Aug 31, 2023
  • 1:00:31 Bioptic Driving – Adult Perspectives & Tennessee Requirements (Panel Discussion)

    Participants: Dr. Joshua Robinson (Vanderbilt University Medical Center), Arthur Humphrey, Joshua Harper
    Date: 2/23/2024
    TN VIVA 2022-2023
    Session Description:
    This session will present an overview of considerations of bioptic driving for teens and young adults with low vision. Panelists include a low vision specialist and adults with low vision sharing why they decided bioptic driving was or was not a good fit for them. This session is geared towards teens with low vision and their families, as well as TVIs, O&M specialists, VR counselors, and other transition specialists looking for a background knowledge of how to talk about bioptic driving with students and clients.

    Uploaded Feb 24, 2023