Video Gallery
Bioptic Driving – Adult Perspectives & Tennessee Requirements (Panel Discussion)
1:46:30 Essential Assessments (FVA) Strategies for Students with Visual Impairments and Complex Profiles Featured
Presented by Suzanne Dinwiddie (TN Deaf-Blind Project) on 2/18/2022<br>Unity Virtual Academy 2021-2022<br>Session Description:<br>Project will share tips and<br>Hear about strategies that TVIs and O&M specialists can use when conducting functional vision, learning media and expanded core curriculum assessments with students with VI and complex profiles, including students with CVI.
Uploaded Feb 22, 2022 to RCVI(Resource Center for the Visually Impaired) -
56:27 Social Emotional Learning & Crisis Support for Visually Impaired Students
Presented by Andrea Word, MSW (TSB) on 9/1/2021<br>Unity Virtual Academy 2021-2022<br>Session Description:<br>This session is designed for TVIs to learn more about SEL (social emotional learning) for students with VI, learn signs of when a student is in a mental health crisis, and discuss appropriate resources in and out of school to support students.
Uploaded Sep 07, 2021 to RCVI(Resource Center for the Visually Impaired) -
51:27 Lightbox Stories & Literacy Programming for Students with Complex Profiles Featured
Presented by Dr. Adam Wilson on 2/17/2021<br>Unity Virtual Academy 2020-2021<br>Session Description:<br>Looking for ways to integrate literacy and lightboxes? In this session we will take a deep dive into the creation of lightbox stories and digital books, adapted so they are accessible for students with more complex profiles that include VI. We will also look at opportunities for meaningful engagement for learners so they become part of the story!
Uploaded Oct 14, 2021 to RCVI(Resource Center for the Visually Impaired) -
1:48:17 Essential Vision Assessment: Tips for TVIs in a Virtual World
Presented by Dr. Karen Blankenship (TSB) on 12/4/2020<br>Unity Virtual Academy 2020-2021<br>Session Description:<br>This presentation will talk about the latest resources to conduct functional vision, learning media, and expanded core curriculum assessments on-site or in a virtual world.
Uploaded Oct 14, 2021 to RCVI(Resource Center for the Visually Impaired) -
50:12 Inclusion is Belonging: Promoting Peer Engagement and Relationships for Students with Multiple Disabilities, Including Visual Impairment
Presented by Dr. Elizabeth Biggs (Vanderbilt University) on 10/4/2022<br>TN VIVA 2022-2023<br>Positive peer relationships are important for all students. But, it can be challenging to know how to provide supports that lead to students with disabilities being known, accepted, and befriended by their peers, particularly when students have complex support needs—such as students with multiple disabilities and visual impairment. This session will offer practical, evidence-based strategies to equip educators (e.g., teachers of students with visual impairment, special educators, general educators, paraeducators) to promote inclusion and belonging for students with disabilities in their general education school and classroom communities through peer relationships.<br>Shared links:<br>* Creating communities of belonging: <br>* Implementation Guide for Peer Support Arrangements:<br>* Implementation Guide for Peer Network Interventions: <br>
Uploaded Oct 24, 2022 to RCVI(Resource Center for the Visually Impaired)